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Artificial Intelligence
is the work of humans

It is about learning to work differently and learning to think differently. Developing and coaching teams so that they can assess the opportunities and risks themselves.


Activate by inspiring

Maximizing the potential of AI requires investment: in the right technology and skills. Also crucial is a culture of continuous learning and adaptability, as AI is constantly evolving. Managers should not only have a clear vision for AI. They should also ensure the involvement of the entire organization, by training employees and creating awareness. Only through a culture of collaboration and open communication can organizations realize the acceptance of AI and reduce resistance.

In order to use AI as a means and not as an end, it is important to have clarity about the organization's processes.


AI, where on earth do we begin?
And why?


Awareness, vision and strategy workshops

LAGOM guides organizations through a safe AI transformation, towards strong teams and targeted strategies. We use tailor-made programs consisting of interactive workshops and knowledge sessions. It always starts by listening carefully to the question, the need, of the organization.

Board of Directors and Management
AI knowledge & skills

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6 - 8 months program

The program combines AI technology theory, working with AI tools, mapping your own processes and experimenting in a safe environment. This leads to knowing when, for what and how to use AI. We take between 4 and 8 months for this. This timing is related to the specific AI strategy for the organization. It is a unique program in which I combine the sessions with qualified experts in a specific AI field. Think of data science, computer vision, data warehousing, Microsoft Copilot implementation and many other areas of expertise.

In possible AI trajectories and projects, I like to involve education, we share knowledge and experience with other sectors and we investigate the possibilities for subsidies.

Creating a strong innovation team ensures successful implementations and support within the organization.


Speaking to groups of entrepreneurs, managers, directors, and board members in the media.

The presentations that Liesbeth Wijlaars gives are suitable for all possible sectors.
She has also built up several specializations through experience in the following themes: hospitality, construction sector, manufacturing industry, education marketing, agencies, change management, organizations in motion, future-proof mindset, AI core team, AI in practice, AI in business.

Impactful presentations that will be talked about for a long time and that will especially encourage further exploration of the possibilities of AI. Tech knowledge, trends, interactive sessions.

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Albert Einstein

The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.

Discover LAGOM's 6-step program to help an organization implement AI responsibly.


Who came before you?

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